CopyNamespacesMode EnumerationCopyNamespacesMode EnumerationCopyNamespacesMode Enumeration

Specifies the copy-namespaces mode of an XQuery module.


Public Enumeration CopyNamespacesMode
public enum CopyNamespacesMode
enum CopyNamespacesMode
The CopyNamespacesModeCopyNamespacesModeCopyNamespacesMode type exposes the following members.


MemberInheritInheritInherit This is equivalent to no-preserve, inherit. The in-scope namespaces of the copied element are the in-scope namespaces of the constructed node, along with the namespaces used in the name of the element and its attributes.
MemberNoneNoneNone This is equivalent to no-preserve, no-inherit. The in-scope namespaces of the copied element are only those used in the name of the element and its attributes.
MemberPreservePreservePreserve This is equivalent to preserve, no-inherit. The in-scope namespaces of the copied element are the in-scope namespaces of the original element.
MemberPreserveInheritPreserveInheritPreserveInherit The in-scope namespaces of the copied element are all the in-scope namespaces of the constructed node, augmented and overridden by all in-scope namespaces of the original element.



The copy-namespaces mode controls the namespace bindings that are assigned when an existing element node is copied by an element constructor or document constructor.

Use the CopyNamespacesModeCopyNamespacesModeCopyNamespacesMode property to set the default copy-namespaces mode.