XmlPrime NamespaceXmlPrime NamespaceXmlPrime Namespace

Provides support for the representation, querying and transformation of XML.


Public classAnyUriAnyUriAnyUri Represents a Uniform Resource Locator. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:anyURI.
Public classCollationCollationCollation Represents a collation for use in XQuery and XPath functions.
Public classCollationResolverCollationResolverCollationResolver Resolves collations named by a URI.
Public classCompilationErrorEventArgsCompilationErrorEventArgsCompilationErrorEventArgs Provides data for the CompilationErrorCompilationErrorCompilationError compilation error event.
Public classConcurrentNameTableConcurrentNameTableConcurrentNameTable Implements an efficient (lock free) thread-safe XmlNameTableXmlNameTableXmlNameTable.
Public classDocumentSetDocumentSetDocumentSet Contains a stable cache of documents and collections used in an XQuery program, XPath expression or XSL transformation.
Public classDynamicContextSettingsDynamicContextSettingsDynamicContextSettings Represents the user-controllable dynamic context settings of an XPath expression, an XQuery program or an XSL transformation.
Public classGZipXmlUrlResolverGZipXmlUrlResolverGZipXmlUrlResolver Resolver which automatically decompresses gzipped (.gz) XML resources.
Public classInputSettingsInputSettingsInputSettings Represents filters to be applied to input source trees, such as whitespace stripping and type annotation stripping.
Public classLibrarySetLibrarySetLibrarySet A collection of modules to be made available to an XQuery program or XPath expression.
Public classLicenceLicenceLicence A static class providing information about the current licence for XmlPrime.
Public classLicenceExceptionLicenceExceptionLicenceException Exception caused by licensing errors.
Public classLocationHintCollectionLocationHintCollectionLocationHintCollection A collection that maps namespace URIs to sets of location hints.
Public classMessageEventArgsMessageEventArgsMessageEventArgs Provides data for the MessageMessageMessage event.
Public classParameterDictionaryParameterDictionaryParameterDictionary A mapping from parameter names to parameter values.
Public classParameterTypeDictionaryParameterTypeDictionaryParameterTypeDictionary A mapping from parameter names to parameter types.
Public classResolvedDocumentResolvedDocumentResolvedDocument A document that has been returned from an IDocumentResolverIDocumentResolverIDocumentResolver.
Public classResolvedResourceResolvedResourceResolvedResource A resource that has been returned from an IResourceResolverIResourceResolverIResourceResolver.
Public classSharedDocumentSetSharedDocumentSetSharedDocumentSet A document set wrapping a static document set.
Public classStaticContextSettingsStaticContextSettingsStaticContextSettings This serves as a base class for the user-controllable static context settings of XQuery 1.0, XPath 2.0 and XSLT 2.0.
Public classTraceEventArgsTraceEventArgsTraceEventArgs Provides data for the TraceTraceTrace event.
Public classUnparsedTextDocumentResolverUnparsedTextDocumentResolverUnparsedTextDocumentResolver An implementation of the IDocumentResolverIDocumentResolverIDocumentResolver interface that retrieves documents as resources from the document set. This ensures consistency with the unparsed-text function.
Public classXdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument Provides a fast, read-only, in-memory representation of an XML document using the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM).
Public classXdmExceptionXdmExceptionXdmException Represents errors that occurred during handling of an XQuery expression, XPath expressions, XSL transformation or serialization of an XDM instance.
Public classXdmFunctionAttributeXdmFunctionAttributeXdmFunctionAttribute This attribute is used to export a function in an XDM module.
Public classXdmModuleXdmModuleXdmModule A module that can be imported in an XQuery program, XSL transformation or XPath expression.
Public classXdmModuleAttributeXdmModuleAttributeXdmModuleAttribute Indicates that a class implements an XDM module.
Public classXdmNavigatorXdmNavigatorXdmNavigator Provides an extension of XPathNavigatorXPathNavigatorXPathNavigator which exposes accessors from the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model not available with XPathNavigatorXPathNavigatorXPathNavigator.
Public classXdmTypeXdmTypeXdmType References a type in the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM) type hierarchy.
Public classXdmTypeAttributeXdmTypeAttributeXdmTypeAttribute This attribute is used to specify the XDM type of an argument or return value of a function exported in an XDM module.
Public classXIncludeXIncludeXInclude Uses the XML Inclusions (XInclude) processing model to performs merging of XML information sets.
Public classXIncludeSettingsXIncludeSettingsXIncludeSettings Represents the user-controllable settings of XInclude processing.
Public classXmlNamespacesXmlNamespacesXmlNamespaces XML namespaces with special significance to XmlPrime.
Public classXmlReaderDocumentResolverXmlReaderDocumentResolverXmlReaderDocumentResolver An implementation of the IDocumentResolverIDocumentResolverIDocumentResolver interface which uses a specified XmlReaderSettingsXmlReaderSettingsXmlReaderSettings to retrieve documents.
Public classXmlResourceResolverXmlResourceResolverXmlResourceResolver An implementation of the IResourceResolverIResourceResolverIResourceResolver interface uses a specified XmlResolverXmlResolverXmlResolver to retrieve resources.
Public classXPathXPathXPath Provides a typed class that represents a compiled XPath 2.0 expression.
Public classXPath2FunctionsXPath2FunctionsXPath2Functions An XSLT extension object that provides implementations of some XPath 2.0 functions for use with XslCompiledTransformXslCompiledTransformXslCompiledTransform.
Public classXPathAtomicValueXPathAtomicValueXPathAtomicValue Represents an atomic value in the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM).
Public classXPathItemCollectionXPathItemCollectionXPathItemCollection Represents the results obtained by evaluating an XQuery expression.
Public classXPathSettingsXPathSettingsXPathSettings Represents the user-controllable static context settings of an XPathXPathXPath. This also serves as a base class for the user-controllable static context settings of XQuery 1.0, XPath 2.0 and XSLT 2.0.
Public classXQueryXQueryXQuery Queries XML data using the XQuery language.
Public classXQuerySettingsXQuerySettingsXQuerySettings Represents the user-controllable static context settings of an XQueryXQueryXQuery.
Public classXsltXsltXslt Transforms XML data using the XSLT language.
Public classXsltSettingsXsltSettingsXsltSettings Represents the user-controllable static context settings of an XsltXsltXslt instance.


Public structureDateTimeWithZoneDateTimeWithZoneDateTimeWithZone Represents a Gregorian date and time. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:dateTime.
Public structureDateWithZoneDateWithZoneDateWithZone Represents a Gregorian date. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:date.
Public structureDayTimeDurationDayTimeDurationDayTimeDuration Represents a duration of time that is expressed by the Gregorian day, hour, minute and second components. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:dayTimeDuration.
Public structureDurationDurationDuration Represents a duration of time that is expressed by the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute and second components. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:duration.
Public structureGDayGDayGDay Represents a Gregorian day. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:gDay.
Public structureGMonthGMonthGMonth Represents a Gregorian month. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:gMonth.
Public structureGMonthDayGMonthDayGMonthDay Represents a Gregorian date that recurs. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:gMonthDay.
Public structureGYearGYearGYear Represents a Gregorian year. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:gYear.
Public structureGYearMonthGYearMonthGYearMonth Represents a Gregorian year and month. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:gYearMonth.
Public structureQNameQNameQName Represents an XML qualified name consisting of a prefix, local name and namespace URI. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:QName.
Public structureTimeWithZoneTimeWithZoneTimeWithZone Represents an instant of time that recurs every day. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:time.
Public structureTimeZoneTimeZoneTimeZone Represents a time zone. This is a whole number of minutes in the range -14:00 to 14:00.
Public structureYearMonthDurationYearMonthDurationYearMonthDuration Represents a duration of time that is expressed by the Gregorian year and month components. The corresponding XML Schema type is xs:yearMonthDuration.


Public interfaceICollationResolverICollationResolverICollationResolver An interface used to resolve collations.
Public interfaceICollectionResolverICollectionResolverICollectionResolver An interface used to resolve external collections of nodes.
Public interfaceICollectionTypeResolverICollectionTypeResolverICollectionTypeResolver An interface used to resolve the types of external collections.
Public interfaceIDocumentResolverIDocumentResolverIDocumentResolver An interface used to resolve external documents.
Public interfaceIDocumentTypeResolverIDocumentTypeResolverIDocumentTypeResolver An interface used to resolve the types of external documents.
Public interfaceIResourceResolverIResourceResolverIResourceResolver An interface used to resolve the unparsed text of external resources.
Public interfaceIResultDocumentHandlerIResultDocumentHandlerIResultDocumentHandler Provides a method for writing multiple output documents from an XSLT stylsheet.


Public enumerationBoundarySpaceBoundarySpaceBoundarySpace Specifies the boundary-space policy of an XQuery module.
Public enumerationCompilationWarningsCompilationWarningsCompilationWarnings

Specifies which warnings should be raised during compilation.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttributeFlagsAttributeFlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Public enumerationConstructionModeConstructionModeConstructionMode Specifies the construction mode of an XQuery module.
Public enumerationCopyNamespacesModeCopyNamespacesModeCopyNamespacesMode Specifies the copy-namespaces mode of an XQuery module.
Public enumerationEmptyOrderEmptyOrderEmptyOrder Specifies the ordering of empty-sequence values.
Public enumerationInputTypeAnnotationsInputTypeAnnotationsInputTypeAnnotations Enumerates the input type annotation methods.
Public enumerationOptimizationLevelOptimizationLevelOptimizationLevel Specifies the level of optimization to perform during query compilation.
Public enumerationOrderingModeOrderingModeOrderingMode Specifies the ordering mode of an XQuery module.
Public enumerationQuantifierQuantifierQuantifier Specifies the quantifier of an XdmTypeXdmTypeXdmType.
Public enumerationSeveritySeveritySeverity Specifies the severity of a compilation error event.
Public enumerationTypeCheckingModeTypeCheckingModeTypeCheckingMode Specifies the type checking mode.
Public enumerationXdmTypeCategoryXdmTypeCategoryXdmTypeCategory Defines which category of type an XdmTypeXdmTypeXdmType instance is.
Public enumerationXmlVersionXmlVersionXmlVersion Enumerates XML standard versions.
Public enumerationXQueryOptionalFeaturesXQueryOptionalFeaturesXQueryOptionalFeatures

Specifies optional XQuery features which may be switched off.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttributeFlagsAttributeFlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.