XdmFunctionAttribute.LocalName PropertyXdmFunctionAttribute.LocalName PropertyXdmFunctionAttribute::LocalName Property

The local name of the exported function.


Public Property LocalName As String
        Set(ByVal value As String)
public string LocalName { get; set; }
property String^ LocalName {
    String^ get();
    void set(String^ value);

Property Value

Type: System.StringSystem.StringSystem::String^

The local name of the exported function.


The namespace of the function is specified by the XdmModuleAttributeXdmModuleAttributeXdmModuleAttribute attribute on the containing type.

If this property is set to null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr then the name of the method is used.

If this property is set to a value that is not a valid

, or this property is set to null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr, and the name of the exported method is not a valid
then a InvalidOperationExceptionInvalidOperationExceptionInvalidOperationException will be thrown when an attempt is made to load the containing module.