XmlReaderDocumentResolver.ResolveDocument MethodXmlReaderDocumentResolver.ResolveDocument MethodXmlReaderDocumentResolver::ResolveDocument Method

Resolves a URI to a document.


Public Function ResolveDocument( _
    uri As AnyUri, _
    documentSet As DocumentSet, _
    nameTable As System.Xml.XmlNameTable, _
    inputSettings As InputSettings _
) As ResolvedDocument
public ResolvedDocument ResolveDocument(
    AnyUri uri,
    DocumentSet documentSet,
    System.Xml.XmlNameTable nameTable,
    InputSettings inputSettings
virtual ResolvedDocument^ ResolveDocument(
    AnyUri^ uri, 
    DocumentSet^ documentSet, 
    System.Xml::XmlNameTable^ nameTable, 
    InputSettings^ inputSettings
) sealed



Type: XmlPrime.AnyUriXmlPrime.AnyUriXmlPrime::AnyUri^

The absolute URI of the document to resolve.


Type: XmlPrime.DocumentSetXmlPrime.DocumentSetXmlPrime::DocumentSet^

The document set which can be used to retrieve resources required to retrieve the document (for example this can be used to retrieve an unparsed resource).


Type: System.Xml.XmlNameTableSystem.Xml.XmlNameTableSystem.Xml::XmlNameTable^

The name table to use to load the document.


Type: XmlPrime.InputSettingsXmlPrime.InputSettingsXmlPrime::InputSettings^

The input settings.

Return Value

Type: XmlPrime.ResolvedDocumentXmlPrime.ResolvedDocumentXmlPrime::ResolvedDocument^

An IXPathNavigableIXPathNavigableIXPathNavigable instance representing the document for the specified URI, or null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr if the URI can not be mapped to a document.


A return value of null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr indicates that uri is not supported by this resolver (for example an unsupported URI scheme). If the URI does have meaning to this resolver but there was an error retrieving the document then an exception should be thrown.

The document URI of the returned document must either be uri or the empty string.