GMonthDay.Inequality OperatorGMonthDay.Inequality OperatorGMonthDay::Inequality Operator

Indicates whether a specified GMonthDayGMonthDayGMonthDay is not equal to another specified GMonthDayGMonthDayGMonthDay.


Public Shared Operator <>( _
    monthDay1 As GMonthDay, _
    monthDay2 As GMonthDay _
) As Boolean
public static bool operator !=(
    GMonthDay monthDay1,
    GMonthDay monthDay2
static bool operator !=(
    GMonthDay monthDay1, 
    GMonthDay monthDay2

Return Value

Type: System.BooleanSystem.BooleanSystem::Boolean

trueTruetrue if the two GMonthDayGMonthDayGMonthDay values are not equal, falseFalsefalse otherwise.


Two GMonthDayGMonthDayGMonthDay values are considered equal if they have they have equal values for their MonthMonthMonth, DayDayDay and TimeZoneTimeZoneTimeZone properties.

Consider using Equals (GMonthDay, GMonthDay, TimeZone)Equals (GMonthDay, GMonthDay, TimeZone)Equals (GMonthDay, GMonthDay, TimeZone) to compare GMonthDayGMonthDayGMonthDay values with differing TimeZoneTimeZoneTimeZone properties.