XdmException.Xtre1160 FieldXdmException.Xtre1160 FieldXdmException::Xtre1160 Field

When a URI reference contains a fragment identifier, it is a recoverable dynamic error if the media type is not one that is recognized by the processor, or if the fragment identifier does not conform to the rules for fragment identifiers for that media type, or if the fragment identifier selects something other than a sequence of nodes (for example, if it selects a range of characters within a text node). The optional recovery action is to ignore the fragment identifier and return the document node. The set of media types recognized by a processor is implementation-defined.


Public Shared ReadOnly Xtre1160 As System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName
public static readonly System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName Xtre1160
static initonly System.Xml::XmlQualifiedName^ Xtre1160