XdmException.Xtde1150 FieldXdmException.Xtde1150 FieldXdmException::Xtde1150 Field

It is a non-recoverable dynamic error if the effective value of the regex attribute [of the xsl:analyze-string instruction] is a regular expression that matches a zero-length string: or more specifically, if the regular expression $r and flags $f are such that matches("", $r, $f) returns true. If the regular expression is known statically (for example, if the attribute does not contain any expressions enclosed in curly brackets) then the processor may signal the error as a static error.


Public Shared ReadOnly Xtde1150 As System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName
public static readonly System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName Xtde1150
static initonly System.Xml::XmlQualifiedName^ Xtde1150