Licensing XmlPrime

Commercial use

To use XmlPrime in production, for commercial purposes or to distribute its components, you must purchase a commercial licence.

All commercial licences qualify you for the following maintenance:

The following commercial licences are available:

Development licences

Development licences are required to develop software using XmlPrime.

Individual Developer Licence

An individual license will allow installation on a development machine(s) for use by a single individual.

The Individual Developer Licence does NOT permit deployment to production.

Organisation licence

An organisation license will allow development by an unlimited number of developers at a single organisation.

In addition to unlimited developers, the Organisation Licence also allows deployment to production within the same organisation that employs the developers.

Production Licences

Production licences allow XmlPrime to be deployed to production in order to use software developed using XmlPrime.

Organisation licence

An organisation licence allows deployment to production of an unlimited number of products or services that use XmlPrime so long as the consumers of those products and services are employed at the same organisation.

This licence is the same as the organisation licence for development and includes unlimited development.

Redistribution licence

License XmlPrime for royalty-free deployment.

A redistribution license permits the inclusion of XMLPrime code in products sold to other organisations.

It also permits the deployment to production of services to third parties that rely on XmlPrime to provide the service.

The full licence terms are specified in the XmlPrime licence agreement.

If you have any queries, please contact us.

Purchasing XmlPrime

XmlPrime licences can be purchased by contacting us.