XdmDocument ClassXdmDocument ClassXdmDocument Class

Provides a fast, read-only, in-memory representation of an XML document using the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM).

Inheritance Hierarchy


Public NotInheritable Class XdmDocument _
        Implements System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable
public sealed class XdmDocument : System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable
ref class XdmDocument sealed : System.Xml.XPath::IXPathNavigable^
The XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument type exposes the following members.


Public methodXdmDocument (Stream)XdmDocument (Stream)XdmDocument (Stream^) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified StreamStreamStream object.
Public methodXdmDocument (Stream, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (Stream, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (Stream^, XmlSpace) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified StreamStreamStream object.
Public methodXdmDocument (TextReader)XdmDocument (TextReader)XdmDocument (TextReader^) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified TextReaderTextReaderTextReader object.
Public methodXdmDocument (TextReader, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (TextReader, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (TextReader^, XmlSpace) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified TextReaderTextReaderTextReader object.
Public methodXdmDocument (string)XdmDocument (String)XdmDocument (String^) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data in the specified file.
Public methodXdmDocument (string, Stream)XdmDocument (String, Stream)XdmDocument (String^, Stream^) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified StreamStreamStream object.
Public methodXdmDocument (string, Stream, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (String, Stream, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (String^, Stream^, XmlSpace) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified StreamStreamStream object.
Public methodXdmDocument (string, TextReader)XdmDocument (String, TextReader)XdmDocument (String^, TextReader^) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified TextReaderTextReaderTextReader object.
Public methodXdmDocument (string, TextReader, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (String, TextReader, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (String^, TextReader^, XmlSpace) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified TextReaderTextReaderTextReader object.
Public methodXdmDocument (string, XmlReader)XdmDocument (String, XmlReader)XdmDocument (String^, XmlReader^) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified XmlReaderXmlReaderXmlReader object, with the specified document URI.
Public methodXdmDocument (string, XmlReader, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (String, XmlReader, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (String^, XmlReader^, XmlSpace) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified XmlReaderXmlReaderXmlReader object with the specified document URI and white space handling.
Public methodXdmDocument (string, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (String, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (String^, XmlSpace) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data in the specified file.
Public methodXdmDocument (XmlReader)XdmDocument (XmlReader)XdmDocument (XmlReader^) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified XmlReaderXmlReaderXmlReader object.
Public methodXdmDocument (XmlReader, bool)XdmDocument (XmlReader, Boolean)XdmDocument (XmlReader^, bool) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified XmlReaderXmlReaderXmlReader object.
Public methodXdmDocument (XmlReader, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (XmlReader, XmlSpace)XdmDocument (XmlReader^, XmlSpace) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified XmlReaderXmlReaderXmlReader object with the specified white space handling.
Public methodXdmDocument (XmlReader, XmlSpace, bool)XdmDocument (XmlReader, XmlSpace, Boolean)XdmDocument (XmlReader^, XmlSpace, bool) Initializes a new instance of the XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument class from the XML data that is contained in the specified XmlReaderXmlReaderXmlReader object with the specified white space handling.



Public methodCreateNavigatorCreateNavigatorCreateNavigator Returns a read-only XdmNavigatorXdmNavigatorXdmNavigator for navigating through nodes of this XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument.
Public methodObject.EqualsObject.EqualsObject::EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.(Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Protected methodObject.FinalizeObject.FinalizeObject::FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.(Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.GetHashCodeObject.GetHashCodeObject::GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.GetTypeObject.GetTypeObject::GetTypeGets the TypeTypeType of the current instance.(Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Protected methodObject.MemberwiseCloneObject.MemberwiseCloneObject::MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current objectObjectobject.(Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.ToStringObject.ToStringObject::ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.(Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)


Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIXPathNavigable.CreateNavigatorIXPathNavigable.CreateNavigatorIXPathNavigable::CreateNavigator Returns a read-only XPathNavigatorXPathNavigatorXPathNavigator for navigating through nodes of this XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument.



The XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument is the preferred document type for documents used in an XQuery program, an XPath expression, or an XSL transformation.

The XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument differs from XPathDocumentXPathDocumentXPathDocument in the following respects:

The current XdmDocumentXdmDocumentXdmDocument implementation is currently unable to read external DTDs, which is required to determine which attributes are marked as ID or IDREFS. This is because the XmlReaderXmlReaderXmlReader class does not expose the types of attributes declared in a DTD. This has the effect that the fn:id and fn:idref functions may not work correctly.

Markup declarations specified directly in the internal subset are processed to determine the types of attributes.