UcaCollationStrength EnumerationUcaCollationStrength EnumerationUcaCollationStrength Enumeration

Enumerates the collation strength as defined in UCA.


Public Enumeration UcaCollationStrength
public enum UcaCollationStrength
enum UcaCollationStrength
The UcaCollationStrengthUcaCollationStrengthUcaCollationStrength type exposes the following members.


MemberIdenticalIdenticalIdentical Identical is used to achieve a semi-stable sort.
MemberPrimaryPrimaryPrimary Primary strength takes only the base form of the character into account.
MemberQuaternaryQuaternaryQuaternary Quaternary considers spaces and punctuation that would otherwise be ignored
MemberSecondarySecondarySecondary Secondary strength ignores case but considers accents and diacritics as significant
MemberTertiaryTertiaryTertiary Tertiary considers case as significant
MemberUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecified The UCA collation strength has not been specified.



This controls the similarity of features of a writing system such as accents and case.