TraceEventArgs ClassTraceEventArgs ClassTraceEventArgs Class

Provides data for the TraceTraceTrace event.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Public NotInheritable Class TraceEventArgs _
        Inherits EventArgs
public sealed class TraceEventArgs : EventArgs
ref class TraceEventArgs sealed : EventArgs^
The TraceEventArgsTraceEventArgsTraceEventArgs type exposes the following members.


Public propertyLabelLabelLabel Gets the label associated with this event.
Public propertyLineNumberLineNumberLineNumber Gets the line number of the function call that raised the event.
Public propertyLinePositionLinePositionLinePosition Gets the character position within LineNumberLineNumberLineNumber of the function call that raised the event.
Public propertySourceUriSourceUriSourceUri Gets the URI of the source file containing the function call that caused the event.
Public propertyValueValueValue Gets the value passed as the first argument to fn:trace.



Public methodObject.EqualsObject.EqualsObject::EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.(Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Protected methodObject.FinalizeObject.FinalizeObject::FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.(Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.GetHashCodeObject.GetHashCodeObject::GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.GetTypeObject.GetTypeObject::GetTypeGets the TypeTypeType of the current instance.(Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Protected methodObject.MemberwiseCloneObject.MemberwiseCloneObject::MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current objectObjectobject.(Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.ToStringObject.ToStringObject::ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.(Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)



The TraceTraceTrace event occurs when an fn:trace function is evaluated during execution of an XQuery program, an XPath expression or an XSL transformation.