XdmReaderSettings PropertiesXdmReaderSettings PropertiesXdmReaderSettings Properties

The XdmReaderSettingsXdmReaderSettingsXdmReaderSettings type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCloseInputCloseInputCloseInput Gets or sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or TextReaderTextReaderTextReader should be closed when the reader is closed.
Public propertyConformanceLevelConformanceLevelConformanceLevel Gets or sets the level of conformance to which the XdmReaderXdmReaderXdmReader will comply.
Public propertyDtdProcessingDtdProcessingDtdProcessing Gets or sets a value that determines the processing of DTDs.
Public propertyIgnoreCommentsIgnoreCommentsIgnoreComments Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore comments.
Public propertyIgnoreProcessingInstructionsIgnoreProcessingInstructionsIgnoreProcessingInstructions Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore processing instructions.
Public propertyIgnoreWhitespaceIgnoreWhitespaceIgnoreWhitespace Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore insignificant white space.
Public propertyLineNumberOffsetLineNumberOffsetLineNumberOffset Gets or sets line number offset of the XdmReaderXdmReaderXdmReader object..
Public propertyLinePositionOffsetLinePositionOffsetLinePositionOffset Gets or sets line position offset of the XdmReaderXdmReaderXdmReader object..
Public propertyMaxCharactersFromEntitiesMaxCharactersFromEntitiesMaxCharactersFromEntities Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum allowable number of characters in a document that result from expanding entities.
Public propertyMaxCharactersInDocumentMaxCharactersInDocumentMaxCharactersInDocument Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum allowable number of characters in an XML document. A zero (0) value means no limits on the size of the XML document. A non-zero value specifies the maximum size, in characters.
Public propertyNameTableNameTableNameTable Gets or sets the XmlNameTableXmlNameTableXmlNameTable used for atomized string comparisons.
Public propertySchemasSchemasSchemas Gets or sets the XmlSchemaSetXmlSchemaSetXmlSchemaSet to use when performing schema validation.
Public propertyStandardsConformanceStandardsConformanceStandardsConformance Gets or sets the standards conformance.
Public propertyValidationFlagsValidationFlagsValidationFlags Gets or sets a value indicating the schema validation settings. This setting applies to schema validating XmlReader objects (ValidationType property set to ValidationType.Schema).
Public propertyValidationTypeValidationTypeValidationType Gets or sets a value indicating whether the XdmReaderXdmReaderXdmReader will perform validation or type assignment when reading.
Public propertyXmlResolverXmlResolverXmlResolver Sets the XmlResolverXmlResolverXmlResolver used to access external documents.
