DynamicContextSettings.DefaultLanguage PropertyDynamicContextSettings.DefaultLanguage PropertyDynamicContextSettings::DefaultLanguage Property

Gets or sets the default language.


Public Property DefaultLanguage As String
        Set(ByVal value As String)
public string DefaultLanguage { get; set; }
property String^ DefaultLanguage {
    String^ get();
    void set(String^ value);

Property Value

Type: System.StringSystem.StringSystem::String^

The default language to be used when formatting numbers, dates and times.


ArgumentNullExceptionArgumentNullExceptionArgumentNullExceptionRaised if the property is set to null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr.
ArgumentExceptionArgumentExceptionArgumentExceptionRaised if the property specifies a culture that is not supported.


This is the natural language used when creating human-readable output (for example, by the functions fn:format-date and fn:format-integer) if no other language is requested. The value is a language code as defined by the type xs:language.]

The default value is determined by the value of the IetfLanguageTagIetfLanguageTagIetfLanguageTag property of the CurrentCultureCurrentCultureCurrentCulture.