XmlPreloadedResolver.GetEntity MethodXmlPreloadedResolver.GetEntity MethodXmlPreloadedResolver::GetEntity Method

Maps a URI to an object containing the actual resource.


Public Overrides Function GetEntity( _
    absoluteUri As Uri, _
    role As String, _
    ofObjectToReturn As Type _
) As Object
public override object GetEntity(
    Uri absoluteUri,
    string role,
    Type ofObjectToReturn
virtual object^ GetEntity(
    Uri^ absoluteUri, 
    String^ role, 
    Type^ ofObjectToReturn
) override



Type: System.UriSystem.UriSystem::Uri^

The URI returned from ResolveUriResolveUriResolveUri.


Type: System.StringSystem.StringSystem::String^

The current version does not use this parameter when resolving URIs. This is provided for future extensibility purposes. For example, this can be mapped to the xlink:role and used as an implementation specific argument in other scenarios.


Type: System.TypeSystem.TypeSystem::Type^

The type of object to return. The current version only returns StreamStreamStream objects.

Return Value

Type: System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object^

A StreamStreamStream object or null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr if a type other than stream is specified.