IResultDocumentHandler.Resolve MethodIResultDocumentHandler.Resolve MethodIResultDocumentHandler::Resolve Method

Returns an XmlWriterXmlWriterXmlWriter to which a result document can be written.


Function Resolve( _
    resultDocumentUri As String, _
    settings As XmlPrime.Serialization.XdmWriterSettings _
) As System.Xml.XmlWriter



Type: System.StringSystem.StringSystem::String^

The base URI of the result document.


Type: XmlPrime.Serialization.XdmWriterSettingsXmlPrime.Serialization.XdmWriterSettingsXmlPrime.Serialization::XdmWriterSettings^

The serialization settings.

Return Value

Type: System.Xml.XmlWriterSystem.Xml.XmlWriterSystem.Xml::XmlWriter^

A new XmlWriterXmlWriterXmlWriter to write output with the specified serialization settings to a resource with the specified base URI, or null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr if the specified result document is of no interest.