DocumentSet.AddDocument Method (AnyUri, IXPathNavigable)DocumentSet.AddDocument Method (AnyUri, IXPathNavigable)DocumentSet::AddDocument Method (AnyUri^, IXPathNavigable^)

Adds the document represented by the specified IXPathNavigableIXPathNavigableIXPathNavigable to the set of available documents, and associates it with the specified document URI, or marks a document as unavailable.


Public Function AddDocument( _
    uri As AnyUri, _
    navigable As System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable _
) As Boolean
public bool AddDocument(
    AnyUri uri,
    System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable navigable
bool AddDocument(
    AnyUri^ uri, 
    System.Xml.XPath::IXPathNavigable^ navigable



Type: XmlPrime.AnyUriXmlPrime.AnyUriXmlPrime::AnyUri^

The document URI to associate with navigable.


Type: System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigableSystem.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigableSystem.Xml.XPath::IXPathNavigable^

The document to add to the DocumentSetDocumentSetDocumentSet, or null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr if the document is unavailable.

Return Value

Type: System.BooleanSystem.BooleanSystem::Boolean

trueTruetrue if the document was added to the DocumentSetDocumentSetDocumentSet; falseFalsefalse otherwise.


ArgumentNullExceptionArgumentNullExceptionArgumentNullException uri is null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr.
  • navigable is not a document node.
  • uri is not an absolute URI.
  • The document uses the wrong name table.
  • The document URI of navigable is not empty and is different to uri.


The document URI of navigable must either be empty or equivalent to uri.

If uri is already in the document set then no change is made and this method returns falseFalsefalse.

If navigable is null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr then during evaluation of an XQuery program, XSL transformation or XPath expression, fn:doc-available will return false for uri, and the fn:doc function will raise an FODC0002 error.