ExecutionEventArgs ClassExecutionEventArgs ClassExecutionEventArgs Class

Provides data for the ExecutionExecutionExecution event.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Public NotInheritable Class ExecutionEventArgs _
        Inherits EventArgs
public sealed class ExecutionEventArgs : EventArgs
ref class ExecutionEventArgs sealed : EventArgs^
The ExecutionEventArgsExecutionEventArgsExecutionEventArgs type exposes the following members.


Public propertyEventTypeEventTypeEventType Gets the type of the execution event.
Public propertyLabelLabelLabel Gets the label associated with this event.
Public propertyLineNumberLineNumberLineNumber Gets the line number of the instruction that raised the event.
Public propertyLinePositionLinePositionLinePosition Gets the character position within LineNumberLineNumberLineNumber of the instruction that raised the event.
Public propertySourceUriSourceUriSourceUri Gets the URI of the source file containing the instruction that caused the event.



Public methodObject.EqualsObject.EqualsObject::Equals Determines whether the specified objectObjectobject is equal to the current objectObjectobject. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Protected methodObject.FinalizeObject.FinalizeObject::Finalize Allows an objectObjectobject to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the objectObjectobject is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.GetHashCodeObject.GetHashCodeObject::GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.GetTypeObject.GetTypeObject::GetType Gets the TypeTypeType of the current instance. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Protected methodObject.MemberwiseCloneObject.MemberwiseCloneObject::MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current objectObjectobject. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.ToStringObject.ToStringObject::ToString Returns a stringStringString that represents the current objectObjectobject. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)



The ExecutionExecutionExecution event occurs when an XPath expression, XQuery program or XSLT transformation has been compiled with profiling enabled.