XQuery.Evaluate Method ()XQuery.Evaluate Method ()XQuery::Evaluate Method ()

Returns an IEnumerable<T>IEnumerable(Of T)IEnumerable<T> representing the result of evaluating the XQuery program.


Public Function Evaluate() As IEnumerable(Of System.Xml.XPath.XPathItem)


XdmExceptionXdmExceptionXdmException An error occurred evaluating the query.
LicenceExceptionLicenceExceptionLicenceExceptionThis version of XmlPrime has expired.


The results of the query are only evaluated whilst they are enumerated. Any errors encountered during evaluation may be thrown from the MoveNextMoveNextMoveNext method and CurrentCurrentCurrent property of the enumerator over the IEnumerable<T>IEnumerable(Of T)IEnumerable<T>.

The items in the returned IEnumerable<T>IEnumerable(Of T)IEnumerable<T> will all be instances of XPathNavigatorXPathNavigatorXPathNavigator (if the expression returns a node), XPathAtomicValueXPathAtomicValueXPathAtomicValue (if the expression returns an atomic value) or XPathFunctionItemXPathFunctionItemXPathFunctionItem (if the expression returns a function item).

This method is not suitable for queries which use fn:put. Call to fn:put will raise an exception.