XdmTypeCategory EnumerationXdmTypeCategory EnumerationXdmTypeCategory Enumeration

Defines which category of type an XdmTypeXdmTypeXdmType instance is.


Public Enumeration XdmTypeCategory
public enum XdmTypeCategory
enum XdmTypeCategory
The XdmTypeCategoryXdmTypeCategoryXdmTypeCategory type exposes the following members.


MemberAtomicTypeAtomicTypeAtomicType This instance represents an atomic type. The NameTestNameTestNameTest property is null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr, and the SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType property returns the corresponding schema type.
MemberAttributeAttributeAttribute This instance represents an attribute type. If their values aren't null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr the NameTestNameTestNameTest and SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType properties represent the name and schema type of the attribute.
MemberCommentCommentComment This instance represents the type comment(). The NameTestNameTestNameTest property is null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr, and the SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType property is set to the type xs:string
MemberDocumentDocumentDocument This instance represents a document type. If their values aren't null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr the NameTestNameTestNameTest and SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType properties represent the name and schema type of the (single) root element. If these properties are null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr then the contents of the document are unconstrained.
MemberElementElementElement This instance represents a element type. If their values aren't null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr the NameTestNameTestNameTest and SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType properties represent the name and schema type of the element.
MemberEmptyEmptyEmpty This instance represents the type empty-sequence(). The NameTestNameTestNameTest and SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType properties are null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr.
MemberFunctionFunctionFunction This instance represents a function item type.
MemberNamespaceNamespaceNamespace This instance represents the type namespace(). The NameTestNameTestNameTest property is null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr, and the SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType property is set to the type xs:string
MemberNoneNoneNone This instance corresponds to the type none(). The NameTestNameTestNameTest and SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType properties are null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr.
MemberProcessingInstructionProcessingInstructionProcessingInstruction This instance represents a processing instruction type. If it is not null, the NameTestNameTestNameTest property has empty namespace URI, and its local name corresponds to the target of the processing instruction type. The SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType property is set to the type xs:string.
MemberSchemaAttributeSchemaAttributeSchemaAttribute This instance represents a schema-attribute type. This value should never appear and is for internal use. Constructing a type with the SchemaAttributeSchemaAttributeSchemaAttribute method returns a type with category AttributeAttributeAttribute.
MemberSchemaDocumentSchemaDocumentSchemaDocument This instance represents a document type whose single root element matches a schema-element type. The NameTestNameTestNameTest property specifies the name of the head of the substitution group that is matched, and the SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType property is set to the schema type of this element.
MemberSchemaElementSchemaElementSchemaElement This instance represents a schema-element type. The NameTestNameTestNameTest property specifies the name of the head of the substitution group that is matched, and the SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType property is set to the schema type of this element.
MemberSequenceTypeUnionSequenceTypeUnionSequenceTypeUnion This instance corresponds to a sequence type union.
MemberTextTextText This instance represents the type text(). The NameTestNameTestNameTest property is null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr, and the SchemaTypeSchemaTypeSchemaType property is set to the type xs:string.
