Standalone EnumerationStandalone EnumerationStandalone Enumeration

Specifies the value of the XDM serialization standalone property.


Public Enumeration Standalone
public enum Standalone
enum Standalone
The StandaloneStandaloneStandalone type exposes the following members.


MemberNoNoNo Specifies that no standalone document declaration should be output.
MemberOmitOmitOmit Specifies that the XML declaration MUST NOT include a standalone document declaration; this ensures that it is both an XML declaration (allowed at the beginning of a document entity) and a text declaration (allowed at the beginning of an external general parsed entity).
MemberYesYesYes Specifies that a standalone document declaration should be output.



The StandaloneStandaloneStandalone enumeration is used in the XdmWriterSettingsXdmWriterSettingsXdmWriterSettings to set the StandaloneStandaloneStandalone property.