CheckNamespaces EnumerationCheckNamespaces EnumerationCheckNamespaces Enumeration

Specifies what checking should be done for namespace URI values.


Public Enumeration CheckNamespaces
public enum CheckNamespaces
enum CheckNamespaces
The CheckNamespacesCheckNamespacesCheckNamespaces type exposes the following members.


MemberAutoAutoAuto The serializer determines what namespace checking should be perform and performs the appropriate checking. If the method is set to CanonicalOutputMethodCanonicalOutputMethodCanonicalOutputMethod then this is equivalent to CheckAbsoluteCheckAbsoluteCheckAbsolute, otherwise this is equivalent to NoneNoneNone
MemberCheckAbsoluteCheckAbsoluteCheckAbsolute An SERE0003 XdmExceptionXdmExceptionXdmException is thrown if a namespace URI is encountered that is not an absolute URI.
MemberNoneNoneNone No namespace checking is performed.
