The msxsl Namespace

In this document it is assumed that the prefix msxsl is bound to the namespace urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt.

The msxslmsxslmsxsl namespace implements the Microsoft scripting extensions for XSLT.

The extensions in this namespace are provided for backwards compatability. For new development with XmlPrime we recommend using the extensions in the xmlprimexmlprimexmlprime namespace instead.


<msxsl:assembly><msxsl:assembly><msxsl:assembly> Imports an assembly to be imported in an <msxsl:script><msxsl:script><msxsl:script> element.
<msxsl:script><msxsl:script><msxsl:script> Contains a script block used to define custom functions in a .NET language.
<msxsl:using><msxsl:using><msxsl:using> Imports a namespace for use in an <msxsl:script><msxsl:script><msxsl:script> script block.