XdmType.ProcessingInstruction Method (string)XdmType.ProcessingInstruction Method (String)XdmType::ProcessingInstruction Method (String^)

Creates a reference to the processing instruction type with the specified target.


Public Shared Function ProcessingInstruction( _
    target As String _
) As XdmType
public static XdmType ProcessingInstruction(
    string target
static XdmType^ ProcessingInstruction(
    String^ target



Type: System.StringSystem.StringSystem::String^

The target of processing instructions matching this type, or null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr for a type matching all processing instructions.

Return Value

Type: XmlPrime.XdmTypeXmlPrime.XdmTypeXmlPrime::XdmType^

An XdmTypeXdmTypeXdmType instance representing the processing instruction type with the specified target.


This corresponds to the XPath 2.0 type processing-instruction( ), or processing-instruction() if target is null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr or *.