XdmType.Document Method (string, string, string, string, bool)XdmType.Document Method (String, String, String, String, Boolean)XdmType::Document Method (String^, String^, String^, String^, bool)

Creates a reference to the document type with element content with the specified name and type annotation.


Public Shared Function Document( _
    elementLocalName As String, _
    elementNamespace As String, _
    elementTypeAnnotationLocalName As String, _
    elementTypeAnnotationNamespace As String, _
    nillable As Boolean _
) As XdmType
public static XdmType Document(
    string elementLocalName,
    string elementNamespace,
    string elementTypeAnnotationLocalName,
    string elementTypeAnnotationNamespace,
    bool nillable
static XdmType^ Document(
    String^ elementLocalName, 
    String^ elementNamespace, 
    String^ elementTypeAnnotationLocalName, 
    String^ elementTypeAnnotationNamespace, 
    bool nillable



Type: System.StringSystem.StringSystem::String^

The local name of the root element of this document.


Type: System.StringSystem.StringSystem::String^

The namespace of the root element of this document.


Type: System.StringSystem.StringSystem::String^

The local name of the type annotation of the root element of this document type.


Type: System.StringSystem.StringSystem::String^

The namespace of the type annotation of the root element of this document type.


Type: System.BooleanSystem.BooleanSystem::Boolean

A boolean value indicating whether the root element is nillable.

Return Value

Type: XmlPrime.XdmTypeXmlPrime.XdmTypeXmlPrime::XdmType^

An XdmTypeXdmTypeXdmType instance representing the document type with element content with the specified name and type annotation.


ArgumentNullExceptionArgumentNullExceptionArgumentNullException elementLocalName, elementNamespace, elementTypeAnnotationLocalName or elementTypeAnnotationNamespace is null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr.


This corresponds to the XPath 2.0 type document-node(element(elementName, elementTypeAnnotationName)), or document-node(element(elementName, elementTypeAnnotationName?)) if nillable is trueTruetrue, where elementName has local name and namespace specified by elementLocalName and elementNamespace, and elementTypeAnnotationName has local name and namespace specified by elementTypeAnnotationLocalName and elementTypeAnnotationNamespace respectively.