TypeCheckingMode EnumerationTypeCheckingMode EnumerationTypeCheckingMode Enumeration

Specifies the type checking mode.


Public Enumeration TypeCheckingMode
public enum TypeCheckingMode
enum TypeCheckingMode
The TypeCheckingModeTypeCheckingModeTypeCheckingMode type exposes the following members.


MemberOptimisticOptimisticOptimistic Optimistic type checking is performed. Errors are only reported in the case where the static type of an argument to an expression can never match its expected type. In all other cases run-time type checks are introduced by the compiler.
MemberPedanticPedanticPedantic Static type checking using only those rules defined in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics. No type checking is performed at run time.
MemberStaticStaticStatic Static type checking using rules defined in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics augmented with many implementation-specific static typing rules. No type checking is performed at runtime.



The TypeCheckingModeTypeCheckingModeTypeCheckingMode enumeration is used by TypeCheckingModeTypeCheckingModeTypeCheckingMode to set the type checking mode used during during the compilation of an XQuery program, an XPath expression or an XSL transformation.

During compilation, type checking is always performed. The type checking mode affects the behaviour of the compiler when the static type of an argument to an expression does not match its expected type.

Use the TypeCheckingModeTypeCheckingModeTypeCheckingMode property to set the type checking mode used during the compilation of an XQuery program, an XPath expression or an XSL transformation.