XQuery MethodsXQuery MethodsXQuery Methods

The XQueryXQueryXQuery type exposes the following members.


Public methodstaticCompile (FileStream, XQuerySettings)Compile (FileStream, XQuerySettings)Compile (FileStream^, XQuerySettings^) Loads and compiles the specified XQuery program and returns an XQueryXQueryXQuery object that represents the XQuery program. The specified static context settings are used.
Public methodstaticCompile (Stream, XQuerySettings)Compile (Stream, XQuerySettings)Compile (Stream^, XQuerySettings^) Loads and compiles the specified XQuery program and returns an XQueryXQueryXQuery object that represents the XQuery program. The specified static context settings are used.
Public methodstaticCompile (string, XmlNameTable)Compile (String, XmlNameTable)Compile (String^, XmlNameTable^) Compiles the specified XQuery program and returns an XQueryXQueryXQuery object that represents the XQuery program. Default static context settings are used.
Public methodstaticCompile (string, XQuerySettings)Compile (String, XQuerySettings)Compile (String^, XQuerySettings^) Compiles the specified XQuery program and returns an XQueryXQueryXQuery object that represents the XQuery program. The specified static context settings are used.
Public methodstaticCompile (Uri, Stream, XQuerySettings)Compile (Uri, Stream, XQuerySettings)Compile (Uri^, Stream^, XQuerySettings^) Loads and compiles the specified XQuery program and returns an XQueryXQueryXQuery object that represents the XQuery program. The specified static context settings are used.
Public methodstaticCompile (Uri, string, XmlNameTable)Compile (Uri, String, XmlNameTable)Compile (Uri^, String^, XmlNameTable^) Compiles the specified XQuery program and returns an XQueryXQueryXQuery object that represents the XQuery program. Default static context settings are used.
Public methodstaticCompile (Uri, string, XQuerySettings)Compile (Uri, String, XQuerySettings)Compile (Uri^, String^, XQuerySettings^) Compiles the specified XQuery program and returns an XQueryXQueryXQuery object that represents the XQuery program. The specified static context settings are used.
Public methodstaticCompile (IXPathNavigable, XQuerySettings)Compile (IXPathNavigable, XQuerySettings)Compile (IXPathNavigable^, XQuerySettings^) Compiles the XQuery program expressed using the XML Syntax for XQuery 1.0 (XQueryX) and returns an XQueryXQueryXQuery object that represents the XQuery program. The specified static context settings are used.
Public methodstaticCompileExternalVariableCompileExternalVariableCompileExternalVariable Compiles the specified XQuery expression and returns an XQueryXQueryXQuery instance that represents the XQuery expression using default static context settings. The specified static context settings are used.
Public methodObject.EqualsObject.EqualsObject::Equals Determines whether the specified objectObjectobject is equal to the current objectObjectobject. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodEvaluate ()Evaluate ()Evaluate () Returns an XPathItemCollectionXPathItemCollectionXPathItemCollection representing the result of evaluating the XQuery program.
Public methodEvaluate (IXPathNavigable)Evaluate (IXPathNavigable)Evaluate (IXPathNavigable^) Returns an XPathItemCollectionXPathItemCollectionXPathItemCollection representing the result of evaluating the XQuery program.
Public methodEvaluate (XPathItem)Evaluate (XPathItem)Evaluate (XPathItem^) Returns an XPathItemCollectionXPathItemCollectionXPathItemCollection representing the result of evaluating the XQuery program.
Public methodEvaluate (DynamicContextSettings)Evaluate (DynamicContextSettings)Evaluate (DynamicContextSettings^) Returns an XPathItemCollectionXPathItemCollectionXPathItemCollection representing the result of evaluating the XQuery program.
Public methodEvaluateToItem ()EvaluateToItem ()EvaluateToItem () Returns an XPathItemXPathItemXPathItem representing the result of evaluating the XQuery program, or null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr if the query returns the empty sequence.
Public methodEvaluateToItem (IXPathNavigable)EvaluateToItem (IXPathNavigable)EvaluateToItem (IXPathNavigable^) Returns an XPathItemXPathItemXPathItem representing the result of evaluating the XQuery program, or null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr if the query returns the empty sequence.
Public methodEvaluateToItem (XPathItem)EvaluateToItem (XPathItem)EvaluateToItem (XPathItem^) Returns an XPathItemXPathItemXPathItem representing the result of evaluating the XQuery program, or null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr if the query returns the empty sequence.
Public methodEvaluateToItem (DynamicContextSettings)EvaluateToItem (DynamicContextSettings)EvaluateToItem (DynamicContextSettings^) Returns an XPathItemXPathItemXPathItem representing the result of evaluating the XQuery program, or null a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nullptr if the query returns the empty sequence.
Protected methodObject.FinalizeObject.FinalizeObject::Finalize Allows an objectObjectobject to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the objectObjectobject is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.GetHashCodeObject.GetHashCodeObject::GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodObject.GetTypeObject.GetTypeObject::GetType Gets the TypeTypeType of the current instance. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Protected methodObject.MemberwiseCloneObject.MemberwiseCloneObject::MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current objectObjectobject. (Inherited from System.ObjectSystem.ObjectSystem::Object)
Public methodToStringToStringToString Returns a stringStringString representing the query execution plan. (Overrides Object.ToStringObject.ToStringObject::ToString)
Public methodstaticToXQueryX (string, XmlWriter, BoundarySpace)ToXQueryX (String, XmlWriter, BoundarySpace)ToXQueryX (String^, XmlWriter^, BoundarySpace) Writes the specified query to the specified XmlWriterXmlWriterXmlWriter using the XML Syntax for XQuery 1.0 (XQueryX).
Public methodstaticToXQueryX (string, BoundarySpace)ToXQueryX (String, BoundarySpace)ToXQueryX (String^, BoundarySpace) Returns an IXPathNavigableIXPathNavigableIXPathNavigable over the specified XQuery converted to the XML Syntax for XQuery 1.0 (XQueryX).
